How it works

Use Navigar to explore your career options, future-proof your skills, develop a personalized learning plan, and keep track of your progress as you build the skills you need to advance in your career.

Navigar is the first of its kind.

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Explore career options and see the skills you’ll need to develop to achieve your goals.

Career discovery

Most people can name a few dozen jobs, but tens of thousands of careers are available. Navigar closes the knowledge gap, presenting the careers and opportunities available to you based on your current role and skills.

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Use Navigar to map the skills and training you’ll need for any career of interest.

Future proofing

In the next 5 years, 25% of jobs will be significantly disrupted and 40% of workers will need new skills. Through powerful trends analysis, Navigar shows you the skills needed to stay competitive in a career.

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Share your personalized learning plan with your employer for productive conversations about your career.

Learning plan development

With hundreds of thousands of training courses out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Navigar sifts through the choices and curates playlists of courses relevant to you.

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Track your development in key skills as you acquire them through workplace experience or training.

Progress tracking

Upskilling or reskilling is a commitment and staying motivated is key. As you develop skills and complete courses, Navigar updates your personal dashboard so you can watch as you close in on your career goals.

What people are saying

Skillsoft is excited to partner with PIPSC and offer world-class training resources to future-proof PIPSC member skills. Navigar, an innovative skills development platform, allows PIPSC members to take professional development into their own hands.
– Gwenn Lazar VP, Global Partner Ecosystem & Alliances, Skillsoft
As individuals take greater ownership of their careers, it’s essential that they understand the skills needed to thrive now and in the future. Using Pearson’s industry-leading analytics, PIPSC's development of Navigar provides their union members access to the data and insights needed to make career decisions that are right for them.
– Jonathan Finkelstein SVP, Workforce Skills, Pearson
Navigar is a sophisticated approach to a complex learning challenge. The care PIPSC has taken to curate learning pathways which anticipate the precise needs of PIPSC members, using the right blend of technologies, is almost unprecedented.
– Toby Harris Chief Customer Officer, Filtered

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